“I have to make sure I don't engage in conversations with people who don't abide by the rules of evidence.” - Dr. Carl Hart

New Book


I wrote this book to present a more realistic image of the typical drug user: a responsible professional who happens to use drugs in his pursuit of happiness. Also, I wanted to remind the public that no benevolent government should forbid autonomous adults from altering their consciousness, as long as it does not infringe on the rights of others.

After reading this book, I hope you will be less likely to vilify individuals merely because they use drugs. That thinking has led to an incalculable number of deaths and an enormous amount of suffering. I am confident that you will come away with an appreciation for the prodigious potential good derived from drug use and a deeper understanding of why so many responsible grown-ups engage in this behavior.

If the ideas expressed in this book are embraced, we can get on with the business of treating each other better and enjoying more meaningful and fulfilling lives. And isn’t that what we all want?

Hardcover edition.
Paperback edition.
Articles, Media, & Appearances
Heroin Epidemic

Doctors don’t need more opioid training, the public needs education.

The New York Times asked me this question: Should Opioid Training for Doctors be mandatory? This is my response.

legalize all drugs Clinton, Bush, Obama

I now support legal regulation for all drugs.

The majority of recreational drug users don’t have a drug problem. So, advocating treatment for such individuals – as if this is a compassionate alternative …

Just Say No

Nancy Reagan’s “Just Say No” campaign pushed the drug war.

Drug criminals… They work every day to plot a new and better way to steal our children’s lives, just as they’ve done by creating crack. …

Healing Reggae Song

Reggae Song: Healing by Midnite

A song inspired by my research.

anecdote meets empirical evidence

Anecdote Meets Empirical Evidence

How I discovered meth & adderall were the same drug.

"Science should be driving our drug policies, even if it makes us uncomfortable."

-Dr. Carl Hart

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